about clbefit fitness studio in brussels

Personal health coaching

At CLBEFIT you can workout online with us. You book a first FREE online session to establish your goal and for a postural/body assessment. We design your 8 weeks’ personal fitness program, and you will have two online workouts a week (50 minutes each) with one of our personal trainers.

Book a first FREE online session.

personal health coaching brussels

Train in your gym with our program

If you prefer to train on your own in your gym, or at home or in the park, we can design an 8 weeks’ program tailored to your goal and your workout environment (gym or home). We can assist you with weekly check-in to assess your improvements and adapt your program.

The online coaching package

We meet on zoom/whatsapp/skype. We start with a FREE online personal assessment, and then your personal trainer will design your 8 weeks’ personalised program, for a total of 16 one to one online sessions (50 minutes each) with your personal trainer.

Coaching method

Online coaching and your goals

The online workout will be tailored to your goal being:

  • build muscles or weight loss
  • body transformation
  • postural correction
  • pain release or feel more energetic
  • enhance your performance (e.g. running) and any other physical or health goal you might have

What you get with the online coaching

You will receive:

  • Absolute customization: personalised programs and one to one online sessions
  • Efficiency: you get results in 8 weeks
  • Progression: improves program after program
  • Monitoring: periodic assessments
  • Motivation: stay focused on the goal, we’ll take care of everything else

Our coaching packages

We are happy to coach you. This what we do:


8 weeks online coaching | Buy €455

1 free online session for postural and body assessment and 16 online sessions, 45 min each, with one personal trainer to get results in 8 weeks!

  • 1 FREE online session with one of our personal trainers for the postural ad body assessment
  • A personalised program
  • 16 hours of one to one online sessions with one of our personal trainers (you can chose whether on whatsapp, zoom or skype)
  • You can decide when you want to have your sessions
  • Personal trainer accountability during the whole period

Coaching + Nutritional support

8 weeks online coaching + Nutritional support | Buy €515

8 weeks of online coaching with an 8 weeks nutrition plan with our personal trainer and nutrition coach, if you want the most effective result!

  • 1 FREE online session with one of our personal trainer for the postural assessment
  • A personalised program designed for your goal (fat loss, muscle gain, body re-composition, sport performance e.g. running)
  • A personalised nutritional plan
  • 16 hours of one to one online sessions with one of our personal trainers
  • You can decide when you want to have your sessions
  • Personal trainer accountability during the whole period

Coaching in our studio -NOT VISIBLE

You will get 1 FREE online session with one of our personal trainers for the postural ad body assessment. Book an appointment and discover the offer that fits you the best.

Online programs

What you get with the online programs

Personalised program

Everyone can do physical activity, no matter whether you go to the gym, you train outside or at home. If you prefer to train on your own, we can design your personalised program taking into account your goal and the training environment and tools at your disposal.

Weekly guidance

You fill in the online questionnaire, and we make you a personalised program for an 8 weeks period. You will get the assistance of a personal trainer through weekly chats on skype or whatsapp to monitor the progress and adapt the program depending on your needs.

Difference in coaching

With the online program you do not have your personal trainer watching and correcting you. However, you will get your exercises with the instructions how to execute them correctly. Furthermore, you can still contact us every week to ask questions and even adapt your program.

Programs online

We have healthy programs for you. This what we offer for your health:


8 weeks program | Buy €95

One personal trainer will make your personalised program with all necessary instructions to train on your own and achieve results in 8 weeks!

  • A personalised 8 weeks program designed for your goal (fat loss, muscle gain, body re-composition, sport performance e.g. running)
  • Personal trainer accountability during the whole period with weekly chats

Program + Nutritional support

8 weeks program + Nutritional support | Buy €195

Train on your own with your personalised fitness program and boost your results with a tailored nutrition plan to achieve better results in 8 weeks!

  • A personalised 8 weeks program designed for your goal (fat loss, muscle gain, body recomposition, sport performance e.g. running)h
  • A personalised nutritional plan
  • Personal trainer accountability during the whole period

Your Personal Health coaches

Costa Lanza personal trainer

Personal training is more than just workout, it is about understanding and caring about another person needs and goals.

Do not forget about your nutrition

Do not forget that to achieve the best possible results, a proper physical activity should go hand in hand with correct nutrition habits. With CLBEFIT you can complement your fitness program with a proper nutrition support that fits your own objectives.

Nutritional plan

8 weeks nutritional plan | Buy €115

Meet our nutrition coach at the CLBEFIT studio or online, establish the optimal nutrition support to feel healthy and achieve your goals in 8 weeks!

  • Weekly physical or online meetings with our nutritional coach
  • A personalised nutritional plan
  • Personal coach accountability

Reviews and Succes stories

Read reviews and succes stories of our healthy clients


I went to CLBEFIT only because I wanted to build a better upper body. From the beginning, I discovered the way I had been training so far was completely wrong, and I was even damaging the joins of the shoulders and elbows. For the first time in my life I felt fully connected to my body, and I saw immediately results in terms of fat loss and muscles gains. I saw muscles growing on my back that I did not even know they existed… I can say that in a few weeks I changed my way of looking at my workout


I have always had pain on my lower back that sometimes irradiates along the leg till the knee. I tried yoga and several kine therapist with very limited results. I started a few sessions with Costa at the CLBEFIT and I could immediately feel some relief. The Studio is very cosy and you can have your sessions with full privacy.


In two months I lost 4 kg, reached 14% of body fat, built muscles and I can finally see my six packs. 3 workouts a week with Costa and a nutrition support. To be honest it was not as hard as expected, only one week I was feeling very weak and we decided to increase the calories intake. I will definitely continue with Costa because I want to reach a new goal of less than 10% of body fat!


I can run again! I went to CLBEFIT because I could not run anymore after a long break of more than one year (due to maternity). I was feeling pain over the knee and at the toes when running. After two weeks I was able to run 5 K with no pain and now I am back on shape. I hope to run next half marathon in Brussels. Definitely recommended!

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